Merry Motivation:
Incentives work well for not only preschool classrooms but
for the bigger kids at heart, as well. An old fashioned reward system can keep
you moving, keep you eating well, and keep you focused on your plan. One key factor to staying motivated is
consistency because if you slack off on whatever system you set up then your
motivation will slow to a crawl. If we intensely focus on our worries we cannot
keep our focus on our goals.
Twelve Non-Food Rewards to Keep You Motivated:
- Clothing/ Shoe shopping
- Manicure/Pedicure
- Massage (Yes, please!)
- Book
- Healthy cooking class
- Girl’s night out! (Always motivating!)
- Music
- Kitchen gadget
- Workout gadget (bic bands, sports bra, socks,)
- Facial
- New fragrance or candles
- Magazine subscription
- **Bonus** Tip jar
**Bonus** The tip jar
concept is easy to start. You simply place a monetary value on a workout and
pay yourself each time you do said workout. You can add water consumption,
healthy eating choices, and weight you have lost to the scheme and you will
have a healthy little bonus to spend on yourself in a short period of time!
How do you reward yourself for hitting your goals?